
*Albert Einstein愛因斯坦 1879-1955 age:76 Germany德國人- A brilliant scientist and mathematician
- Discovered the theory of relativity
- Lived in Switzerland, Germany and the USA
- Married twice

*Cleopatro克雷歐佩托拉 69BC-30BC age:39 Egypt埃及人
- Killed herself by allowing a poisonous snake to bite her
- Queen of Egpty
- Beautiful and intelligent
- Liked cats

*Christopher Columbus哥倫布 1451-1506 age:55 Italy義大利人
- Discovered south America
- A country is named after him

*William Shakespeare莎士比亞 1564-1616 age:52 England英國人
- Best English writer
- He used to be an actor

*Mahatma Gandhi甘地 1869-1948 age:79 India印度人- Non-violent leader of Indian independence from British rule
- He never wore any shoes

*Marilyn Monroe 瑪麗蓮夢露 1926-1962 age:36 USA美國人- Died from an overdose of drugs
- Famous movie star

*Elvis Presley 貓王1935-1977 age:42 USA美國人
- The king of rock and roll’
- Died of heart attack

*Princess Diana 黛安娜王妃1961-1997 age:36 England英國人
- Princess of Wales, wife of Prince Charles
- Did a lot of charity work
- Died in a car accident with her boyfriend, Dodi Fayed

*Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 莫札特1756-1791 age:35 Austria 奧地利人
- A composer and musician
- Lived in Vienna

*John Lennon 約翰.藍儂1940-1980 age:40 England英國人- Member of the Beatles
- One of his songs “Imagine” was voted ‘best song of the 20th’

*Marie Curie居禮夫人 1867-1934 age:67 Poland 波蘭人
- Discovered radioactivity and radium
- Died of leukemia caused by exposure to radium
- Was poor all her life
- Lived in Paris

- The first woman to win the Nobel Prize twice

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